28 нояб. 2024 г.

Page 1 December 2024

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*To switch to drinking water with lemon and honey instead of traditional drinks.

Legend of bullet journal

Basic designations:

.  the task has been set 
x the task has been completed 
> the task has been moved to another collection 
< the task has been scheduled in the period (monthly, weekly, quarterly)
° the event has been scheduled for a certain date
- the note

Additional designations:

* the important task
! the good idea
√ the task that has lost meaning 
÷ the task is requiring division into parts
→the title of collection 

There are sections:

Future log
Monthly log
Collections by topics
Daily lod (routine notes)

27 нояб. 2024 г.

Bullet journal

Yesterday I found out about the bullet journal.
It isn't something new, it's something long forgotten old. Many years ago, than there are no computers and mobile phones, we wrote our diary and work lists by a pen or a pencil.

I agree, It's useful for our memory and psychic. This method eliminates unnecessary activity and communication. I'd love to keep a journal like this. But! How do I write down links in a book of paper?

I think for comfortable planning It's necessary to keep two bullet journals. One of them should be an electronic version, the other a paper version.

I'm sure, this blog has enough tolls and options for keeping bullet journal. Such a journal will be available in anywhere. I can write some terms in the paper version and save web links and quotes in electronic version.

Two journals won't be copied from each other. They will complement each other. Sometimes, I can reference on electronic version in my paper version. 

To be honest, I have been keeping bullet journal but I haven't been writing in one whole book. All my notes are in disarray.

Now, I'll try to put them in order.

29 нояб. 2021 г.

I don't keep in touch

Sometimes we need to stay in absolutely silence. I lack silence. I hate communicating with people, especially  I  hate talking about me or about private life of famous people. 
Honestly, I've rarely been talking to anyone for an hour or two. Two hours communication is a monthly norm for me. 

18 нояб. 2021 г.

27 окт. 2021 г.

Days Calculator

23 окт. 2021 г.

The internet shopping

The World got mad. It became horrible and ghoulish... Internet shops live by deceptions. Governments of different countries closes shops and cafes, sport clubs and cinema holls giving the best opportunity for the development of online store. These shops don't leave a choice to us. We have to take the delivered goods despite their bad quality or we have to take mixed goods. Returning an item doesn't result in a refund to the buyer. The best of all to stay at home and refuse any shopping at all.

3 мая 2021 г.


Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 
Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня. 

 Adage |ˈædɪdʒ| - пословица, поговорка, изречение

2 мая 2021 г.

Indirect questions

On trip

Can you help me? I am looking for High Street. 
– Вы бы не могли мне помочь? Я ищу Хай Стрит. 
Do you know where High Street is? 
– Вы не знаете где Хай Стрит? 
 Could you give me some directions? 
– Вы бы не могли подсказать мне напрвление? 
Excuse me, how can we get to the train station? 
– Простите, как нам добраться до ж\д вокзала? 

20 июн. 2020 г.

therefore, occur, despite, in spite of

  1. first attempt at writing - проба пера 
  2. In spite of / Despite - несмотря на 
  3. they lost the bet, therefore they must pay — они проиграли спор и поэтому должны платить 
  4. I think, therefore I am — я мыслю, следовательно, я существую  
  5. this must not occur again — это не должно повториться 
  6. several misprints occur on the first page — на первой странице несколько опечаток
  7. to occur in nature — встречаться в природе

14 янв. 2020 г.

Copybook. Second page

The best of scheme for understanding English tenses is the funny picture. It was found in the telegram several months ago. I decided to take it for basis in my english training.
I hope this table will be able to help me figure out english tenses completely to use them in my talks and determine them in everyone's speech.


Translation the table (l'd name this cat somehow, but the choice of short name for it can require a lot of time.) 

Past Simple: The cat fell. 
Present Simple: The cat falls. 
Future Simple: The cat will fall. 

Past Continuous: The cat was falling. 
Present Continuous: The cat is falling now. 
Future Conditions: The cat will be falling all day tomorrow. 

Past Perfect: The cat had already fallen by then. 
Present Prefect: The cat has fallen. 
Future Perfect: The cat will have fallen by evening

Past Perfect Continuous: The cat had been falling for two days. 
Present Perfect Continuous: The cat has been falling for two days. 
Future Perfect Continuous: The cat will have been falling for two days. 

2 янв. 2020 г.

Copybook. First page

Revising and training Present simple, Future simple and Past simple tenses.
1.The messages disappeared unexpectedly
The news frightens every day
This summer will be hot and cloudy
But I remain calm.
I don't believe in anything and i don't need anyone. I am not sad. I relaxed. 
2. Supersonic - свехзвуковой (самолёт) supersonic speed - сверхзвуковая скорость
He won't develop a supersonic mech
She was proud of his supersonic plane
In childhood, he dreamt to create a supersonic car
His parents didn't let him dreaming about it. 
3. India is a country suffering from overpopulation
 Your reputation will suffer after perfomance
Whose reputation will suffer? 
Who suffers pain (ache)?